Friday, October 17, 2014

Well  as some of you may have noticed,  I lost all my photos.  DANG    Well time to start over.

Here are a bunch of interior shots of my rig. Pretty happy with the new layout.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Ohhh yah.,,

Big FAT pork ribs.  6 hours on the grill.  Low and slow.   Lots of spice, juicy and tender

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Thrive foods

Thrive foods is a Freeze dried long term storage food system that I think will be great for van dwelling and also for Long term emergency storage in case of any type of serious food shortage.

Review of Thrive foods.    Ok,  got my order of freeze dried Thrive foods with a 25 year shelf life.  I tried the ground beef and added the freeze dried onions.   Pretty good really.  Texture and flavor were favorable.

Prep was a snap,  added a little water to a cup of beef and half a cup of onion, waited a few minutes and heated it up in my cast iron skillet with a bit of spaghetti sauce. 

Ate every bite and enjoyed it.  Probably won't eat it much at home but camping and CERTAINLY for a SHTF situation this stuff is the BOMB.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Spring is on the way

Been busy working on my van making a lot of small adjustments.   As I pack and repack and sort thru my stuff I realize how little you really need to live this lifestyle.   I'm excited !

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Cast Iron Cooking

Lately I've been working on my Cast Iron cooking and  I just love it.   Getting my pans seasoned just right any playing with recipes.  Below are a few of my good eats.   Looking forward to doing this type of stuff on an open fire in the woods



Pot roast